About us

About us


We educate and research in the subjects of Advertising and Public Relations. We also offer further training programs Graphic Management Program (GI) and Marketing Communication Program (IHR), as well as the Bachelor Program in Marketing Communication and Information Technology (MarkIT) together with the Department of Computer and System Sciences.
Our education is based on science. Communication and its psychology are essential fields of study. Theory alternates with practice, for instance in projects together with a company or other organization. Our teachers are prominent scholars or professionals of graphic design, graphic technology, marketing and management.
Our programs GI and IHR started out as the first and best college in Sweden of subjects such as graphic design and advertising. GI was founded in 1943 and, it being a success, IHR followed in 1953. Their goal was to provide the industry with competent leaders.




Postal address
Stockholm University
Department of Advertising and PR
SE-106 91 Stockholm

Visiting address
Department of Advertising and PR
Universitetsvägen 10D
Frescati, Stockholm, Sweden

Press contact
Department of Advertising and PR
Head of department:
Maria Frostling-Henningsson
Phone: +46 8 674 79 98
Email: maria.frostling-henningsson@reklampr.su.se